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Enrollment in paid courses is considered acceptance of the MCAA School Policy.


Tuition must be paid in full or the parent must sign the payment installment agreement before the official first day of class(es). 


Online class credits are non-refundable. Credits may be transferred to other group classes within the academy or saved for later use for up to one year. 



  1. When classes reach enrollment capacity, we won’t continue to add students to classes. New students can request to be placed on a waitlist to be enrolled in another class of the same level at a different time, or take another student's space if it becomes available.

  2. New classes have a waitlist before they are opened for enrollment. Classes will be opened when  a minimum of 3 students are on a wait list. A deposit of $50 must be paid in order to secure a seat  in a new class or unit. All waitlists are operated on a first come, first serve basis.

Figure Drawing Class

Figure drawing classes may show images of unclothed models for the purpose of teaching students anatomy and drawing the figure to college-level standards. 


Class Cancellation

Our school reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or combine classes. Classes may be canceled if the teacher is unable to attend, or the number of students enrolled is fewer than three. In the event a class is canceled, students can choose to keep the class credit for up to one year after the cancellation date, or ask to transfer their credits to another class of equal value.



Enrolled students are expected to attend class every week. Whether a credit is deducted for a absence is determined by the following:


  • Reasonable Absence = Credit will not be deducted for the missed class

Student or family member has a death, medical or safety-related emergency.

OR the student notifies the school more than 24 hrs ahead of class time via our absence request form. found on the homepage of our website. Reasonable absences can only be used three times per quarter.


  • Unreasonable Absence = Credit will be deducted for the missed class

Student is absent from class for reasons not related to a medical emergency or safety related emergency.


  • Pause = Credit may be saved or transferred for up to one year

Student is planning to be absent for more than one month, the school is notified of the absence in advance.


  1. No additional make-up classes will be arranged for National Holidays. Our Website will post scheduled vacations

(MCAA schedule

  1. Instructors will wait up to 15 minutes for students to sign on to Zoom. If there are no students present 15 minutes after the class start time, it will be canceled and the credit for the class will be deducted from the students account.



Student Expectations

• Students should arrive in the zoom meeting on time to their scheduled classes. 

•Students should bring all necessary supplies to class. 

• Students must turn their homework in to the designated location ( google classroom or google drive) before the due date.

• Students should  keep their cameras on during class and have a device with working audio.

• Parents/guardians will be contacted of a student has not arrived 10 minutes after class


• Parents/guardians must notify school 24 hours in advance of an absence. (see attendance policy) 

• Any item that has the potential to be distracting and is unrelated to the educational process is not permitted during class time. 

• Students are expected to request permission from the instructor before leaving the zoom room. 

• Students are expected to respect the instructor and other students by listening to instructions, using appropriate language, and behaving appropriately during class time. 

• No visitors are permitted to join class without a pre-scheduled trial.

• Students are prohibited from sharing any school instruction material (including but not limited to:) class photos/video footage, assignments, class handouts) without the consent of MCAA.

• We reserve the right to use student work to display on our website, in ads, and on other promotional materials.

• Students that need special accommodations are entitled to them under the ADA. Students and or their guardian will alert the MCAA staff of their need for accommodation before enrolling and may be asked to provide supporting documents if necessary.

• The school reserves rights to suggest changes or add classes to a student’s schedule. 

• In the case of serious situations that are affecting other students and the school, MCAA reserves the right to pause the classes. 

Code of Conduct


Ming Creative Art recognizes the importance of establishing clear and consistent disciplinary consequences for violations of school rules.  Students are expected to demonstrate maturity, responsibility, consideration, and to treat each other with dignity and respect.

Student conduct is closely related to learning and an effective educational program requires a safe and orderly school environment.  The Code of Student Conduct governs student discipline, and students shall not be subject to disciplinary action because of race, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or handicap/disability.

Each student must adhere to the school policies and the Code of Student Conduct, with the ultimate goal of providing students with a positive learning environment.  

The student Code of Conduct is designed with enough flexibility so that teachers can exercise judgment which is within the scope of the Code, their classroom behavior management system, the student’s personal behavior monitoring system, or any behaviors in relation to off-campus activities. 

The following pages define the level system used in the elementary disciplinary program. 


Level One Infractions

Refer to minor misbehavior on the part of the student that impedes or disrupts orderly classroom procedures or school operations.  These infractions will be addressed by the appropriate school personnel, and the parents/guardians of the student will be contacted.  Administrative action will typically not occur with these misbehaviors.

Examples Include But Are Not Limited To:

  • Disruptive Classroom/School Behavior

  • Failure to complete or carry out directions

  • Possession of non-instructional items such as but not limited to: gaming devices and toys.

  • Verbal harassment or bullying of others

  • Dishonesty

  • Inappropriate language

Disciplinary Options:

  • Verbal or written reprimand

  • Parental notification (email or phone call)

  • Special Assignment (Reflective in nature)

Level Two Infractions

Misbehavior that is frequent or serious enough that it disrupts the learning climate of the school and/or endangers the health or safety of others.  These infractions, which usually result from the continuation of Level One incidents require the intervention of administrative personnel because the prior consequences have failed to modify the behavior.  Also included in this level are misbehaviors which do not represent a direct threat to the health and safety of others, but whose educational consequences once again require a corrective action on the part of administrative personnel.

Examples But Not Limited To:

  • Continuation of Level One misconduct

  • Abusive, obscene, or disrespectful language, writings, drawings, or gestures

  • Bullying/Cyber Bullying

  • Harassment

  • Plagiarism/Cheating

  • Defiance of authority, disrespectful behavior to staff

  • Inappropriate use of technology

Disciplinary Options:

  • Involvement of a counselor

  • Written reprimand

  • Parent Notification

  • Special assignment

  • Temporary suspension from classes

Level Three Infractions

Acts that are frequent or serious in nature that disrupts the learning environment of the school or acts that pose a threat or danger to the health, safety, or welfare of others in the school.  These acts will require administrative actions which could result in the immediate removal of the student from the school and possible intervention of law enforcement authorities.


Examples But Not Limited To:

  • Continuation of or extreme Level II misconduct

  • Fighting

  • Verbal or Physical Threats

  • Ethnic or racial slurs

  • Sexual discrimination or harassment

  • Indecent exposure

  • Other violation of federal, state, or local laws

Disciplinary Options:

  • Involvement of the Principal

  • Temporary or permanent suspension from classes without refund

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